One, Two, Free: Excerpts from My Plenary on Free

I was honored to deliver a plenary talk on the second day of the most excellent Minnesota Solo & Small Firm Strategic Solutions Conference. Though I know that lots of people prefer talks that offer straight-up marketing advice, I took a slightly different tactic, with a presentation entitled “One, Two, Free: Endless Challenges and Unlimited Possibilities When Price Approaches Zero.” If you didn’t get the mathematics reference, take a look at my slide below. And I’ve posted two excerpts from the talk on YouTube – I’m continuing to refine it and hope I’ll have a chance to present it at other fora in the future.


  1. Tom Garvin on August 23, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    Would love to see the promised “slide show”, I see only one image, and I understand it in the same sense that I understand e = mc squared, but I am only a lowly solo Rocket Scientist, not an attorney, and need some further explication.

  2. Tom Garvin on August 23, 2010 at 5:59 pm

    Here is the relevance of “e = mc squared” mentioned in my previous post.

    If you transform that famous equation, dividing both sides by “m” (mass) gives you “e over m = really, really big number”, in lay terms “a teeny tiny bit of mass gives you immense energy”.

    The really, really big number is not quite as large as infinity, as stated in the other, soon to be famous, equation.

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