Speaking Up About Lawyer Speaks [Promo]

My readers know that it’s extremely rare for me to promote a paid event. But every once in a while, I’ll make an exception for a program that is so worthwhile that I have to pass it on. Sonya Smith-Valentine’s new LawyerSpeak, which teaches lawyers how to find paid speaking engagements — either to market their practices, share their expertise or add another source of revenue — fits into that category.
I must confess that I haven’t seen the course materials for LawyerSpeak, but I have heard Sonya speak and seen her materials for the Solo Practice Boot Camp she offered (not sure if she still does) and they are jam-packed, full of substance and enough new ideas and practical tips to last you for a long time. Which brings me to another point about Sonya – she is a powerful and enthusiastic speaker, but equally important for lawyers (Sonya herself is a consumer rights lawyer), she is down-to-earth and practical and doesn’t offer any suggestions that will make you feel stupid or self-conscious or violate ethics rules. If you are interested in adding speaking to your repertoire and getting paid for it besides, you should really consider this program. For additional information, go to Lawyerspeak.net.

Sonya Smith-Valentine (www.LawyerSpeak.net) practices consumer rights law.


  1. Attorney Marketing on March 31, 2011 at 1:42 am

    No doubt, being a lawyer is a tough job. I never wonder why lawyers have a high intellect, because they were be able to solve cases and published books and other that opt in to their profession. Lawyers usually do things which will earn them money. That is why lawyers are high paid person.

  2. lsat prep courses on April 1, 2011 at 1:56 am

    Lawyers are one of the most powerful persons today. They are considered as genius too. Being a lawyer is not just a joke profession. You must have a potential before engaging with this job.

  3. california bar attorney search on April 14, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    This LawyerSpeak is a perfect time to ask any legal advices from lawyers without getting paid. It is a public service for those who can’t afford expensive services of lawyers. For those who want to ask something about legal matters you could visit their website stated above.

  4. california bar attorney search on April 14, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    This LawyerSpeak is a perfect time to ask any legal advices from lawyers without getting paid. It is a public service for those who can’t afford expensive services of lawyers. For those who want to ask something about legal matters you could visit their website stated above.

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