Election Day

For Solos & Small Law Firms, This Election Year = Opportunities for Public Service and Exposure Too.

Given this year’s unlikely and outlandish crop of presidential hopefuls, turnout for the primaries has reached record highs that will likely continue through to election day in November. With this level of increased interest in the elections, there are lots of opportunities for solos and small firm lawyers to serve the public and in so doing, gain positive exposure for your practice. Below are just a couple of ideas:

Educate On The Issues   With more people than ever are tuning in to learn more about the candidates,  it’s clear that the public is hungry for information on the issues – something that neither the debates nor inflammatory campaign ads actually provide. And that’s where lawyers can fill the gap. Depending on your practice area, could pen a series of blog posts on each candidate’s position and past record on issues that you deal with in your practice. Although the presidential candidates deal solely with national policy, there’s still a huge swath of issues that they address that may impact your clients – such as criminal justice, immigration reform, bankruptcy reform, privacy estate taxes, health insurance, employment issues, veterans’ benefits or Medicare – and you can focus on how each candidate’s position will affect your clients on a day to day level.

Run for Office

I’ve blogged previously  about some of the benefits that solos can gain by running for office. Running for office also allows solos to play a larger role in the justice system by running for judge like these black woman law firm owners.

Be an Election Judge   There’s always a demand for election day judges, not to mention a small stipend. Although a law degree isn’t required for an election judge position, based on conversations I’ve had with the election board in my county, attorneys are very much desired. Serving as an election judge puts you in contact with folks you may not have met, and it’s a nice little plum to add to your website. Plus, it can even come in handy if you’re ever interested in becoming a judge someday.

Have you ever run for office, or taken part in Election Day activities? What’s been your experience – please share in the comment section below.

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