Lawyers Serving Those Who’ve Served

There’s an interesting practice area desribed in this article, Lawyers Look for Errors in VA Claims, Beth Silver, (3/6/05):  Veteran’s Law.  As the article reports, two Minneapolis attorneys, Tracy Capistrant and Becca Wong specialize in recovering government checks for the disabled veterans who visit their law office after years of fighting the Veterans Administration.  The attorneys sya that the trick is to find the government’s error – and they claim it exists in nearly every case they come across.
And Capistrant and Wong are two of just a hundred or so lawyers across the country who practice in this legal niche.

Of course, the article points out some of the drawbacks to this niche:

The cases can drag on for years. The pay is paltry. The process of deciphering 10-inch-thick stacks of veterans’ service and medical records is tedious.

But Capistrant and Wong persist because they believe it’s the right thing to do.

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