The Importance of the Company We Keep

I’ve finished reading Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers which argues that a variety of factors, such as luck, era of birth or family support account as much for success as sheer talent.  After all, what explains the break out success of certain individuals with innate talent in comparison to the mediocre performance of those equally endowed? 

If you haven’t read Outliers, Gladwell’s premise sounds depressing.  After all, what’s the point of working hard if our fate is determined by factors beyond our control?  But I take away the opposite from Gladwell and find his observations enormously helpful.  For once we realize that other factors besides merit account for success, those of us who are less talented can replicate the kind of environment that is conducive to success through the company we keep.

Obviously, we can’t recreate our own families, or re-live our childhood.  But what we can do is surround ourselves with good company — friends and colleagues and peers and mentors who support and motivate and inspire us.  That’s especially important in solo practice.  I wonder how many talented young lawyers have been deterred from starting a practice because they encountered only naysayers along the way rather than lawyers who supported and nurtured their vision.  How many lawyers fired from a job have left the law in shame, tail between their legs, feeling as if they’d failed when with the right encouragement, they could have opened their own firm and made a real difference in the lives of clients and to our entire profession. 

I’m often asked what matters most in starting a law firm.  Is it resources or sheer talent or powerful connections?  For me, two characteristics matter most.  First, doggedness (another Gladwell success factor) – that persistence to keep at it just like a dog with a bone.  And second, community — those solos who have spouses who cheer them on or their proud parents who rave about their son or daughter, "the lawyer with his/her own firm."  Show me a solo who’s willing to work crazy-hard with a strong support group in place versus one who’s read all the latest marketing books and hired the first rate experts to draw up a business plan and create a fancy logo and brand and I’ll place my money on the dogged, every single time. 

As for me, I’m fortunate that I’ve never lacked the support that I needed to start my own practice, and then this blog.  First, it came from my husband who in the early weeks of my practice, bought me the laptop that I didn’t think we could afford that enabled me to work in the library or on the upper levels of our house instead of in the damp, dark and depressing basement.  (My husband also had the original idea for setting up this site, originally conceived as a portal, as a blog).  More recently, I’ve found positive reinforcement in my various on-line communities — the blogosphere, Solosez, my own little mastermind clique and more recently Twitter — all of which have kept me surrounded, nearly 24/7  with people who just dazzle me with their writing skills and wit and accomplishments and who generously share wisdom and knowledge and encouragement.  How can anyone fail in that kind of environment?

For 2009, I wish the gift of good company for all of you current solos as well as those of you who are thinking about making the leap to solo practice.  This is my last post for 2008, so have a wonderful New Year.  I’ll see you on the other side!


  1. Father Muskrat on December 29, 2008 at 10:19 am

    Just followed you on Twitter. Am considering making the leap in ’09 and will listen in tomorrow to the conf call. Thanks, and happy new year to you!

  2. Heather Milligan on December 29, 2008 at 10:21 am

    I couldn’t agree with you more. Whether we call it a posse or a Tribe, having my back, on a daily basis, are an incredible group of people. They support me, tell me when I’m wrong, and they let me vent when needed.
    I read Outliers as well and it clicked with me in many ways. I can’t stop raving about the book and think the chapter on Joe Flom is a must for all legal professionals (lawyers, marketers, etc) to read.

  3. Candice on December 29, 2008 at 1:16 pm

    That’s a great post! I know I couldn’t have opened my practice without my husband, who has given up his career for a while to stay home with our girls. I also couldn’t have done it without my parents, who have helped me financially and and emotionally, always telling me how proud they are and making me want to push forward. And one other thing I hadn’t thought about – I have a great group of other Mom friends who have been incredibly supportive of me.

  4. Carolyn Elefant on December 29, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    Candice, Heather,
    Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories. Friends, spouses and family make all the difference in the world.

  5. Marianne Sorensen on December 29, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Great post. Your mention of “colleagues and peers and mentors who support and motivate and inspire us” strikes a chord with me because I know first-hand what a difference it makes. Your post also makes me more determined to never be the naysayer; I will be part of the community that encourages, supports and nurtures those who are finding their way.

  6. Ben Glass on December 31, 2008 at 7:15 am

    I think that the single greatest predictor of a “successful” life (no matter how you define “success”) is who you run around with. Jim Rohm said that you are the average of the five people you hang out with most. NEVER take Eeyore to lunch. Eeyore is the lawyer who will convince you that its a crappy way to earn a living and sending your kids to law school is a mistake. Instead, run with people who do things bigger, better, faster and bolder than you do. Some of it will rub off.
    We all have choices in life and the choice of friends and acquaintances is critical. If you don’t have the right set, get new ones. Form a mastermind (Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich). Don’t wait to be invited. Do it yourself.

  7. Ron Miller on January 14, 2009 at 12:21 pm

    Great post. I’m listening to Outliers on my IPod now. Great stuff (even if he does drag out a few of the points). Nice job weaving it back to us. I’ve been reading only with the thoughts of three little kids dancing in my head!

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