Why Lawyers Still Read MyShingle
With my blog’s 18th birthday approaching next week, I’ve often wondered how I’ve stayed relevant after all these years. Despite a clunky-looking site, middling SEO and spotty posting, my traffic remains strong and readers continue to return and subscribe. Yet, I don’t offer many paid programs on building a 7-figure firm in 7 days or a membership forum or a vanity Facebook group – not because I’m old school but because others do it better. Truth be told, I don’t even write all that frequently about the administrivia of running a practice – what software to choose, how to manage trust accounts or when to make your first hire – because honestly, I find those topics excruciatingly dull and sufficiently covered by others so I wouldn’t add anything meaningful.
Even so, in a crowded field, I’m still standing because I know my strengths. After all this time, I am passionate about solos and smalls and law firm startups and forever intrigued by their scrappiness and ability to innovate. I believe in the transformative power of law firm ownership to advance diversity in the legal profession and enable lawyers to change the world and leave a lasting legacy. Moreover, I support the dreams and aspirations of solo and small firm lawyers enough to advocate for ethics rules that don’t suffocate growth. Finally, I don’t think anything we do here is rocket science; anyone with enough determination can start a law firm and succeed beyond their wildest dreams. Over the years, I’ve given thousands of lawyers the courage to start and the encouragement to keep going when the going gets tough.
I’ll be reorganizing my site with its tons of content, but until then, here are some of my favorite posts that give you a peek into what this site has always been about.