Make Money Mondays: Three Ways Lawyers CanTake to Tik Tok Without a Single Video
Back in May 2022, I posted about how solo and small lawyers are using TikTok to share their legal knowledge, opinions and a behind-the-scenes look at their practices. But as I’m learning from my own experimentation on TikTok, it can be difficult to post regularly enough to gain real traction or attract clients.
Even so, TikTok can still serve a purpose in your marketing arsenal. Here are three suggestions:
- Join a TikTok Community: As I’ve written before, lawyers looking for a fast ride to speedy growth should hitch to a niche. But to really succeed at a niche, lawyers should obsessively inhabit that niche, inhaling everything from new developments on substantive law to what motivates clients in that niche, excites or aggravates them or keeps them awake at night. Tiktok is one of the best social sites for really, really getting to know clients in a given niche since participants share their stories, their quirks and their annoyances candidly and without a filter. By following clients in a given niche on TikTok, you gain an insiders’ view of the language they speak and concerns that they have which in turn enables you to develop educational materials or legal services packages or even TikToks that will pique their interest. Plus, it’s easy to locate communities on TikTok – just add “tok” to the niche you want to follow (for example TeacherTok or InfluencerTok or ImmigrationTok) and you’ll find a way in.
2. Networking and Referrals – As I’ve already described, there are already plenty of lawyers on TikTok. Many may share your practice area or have a life story similar to your own or have started the kind of law firm that you’d love to have. Even if you don’t have a TikTok account, you can support and get to know other lawyers by posting comments and asking questions, and eventually sending a private message for a personal introduction. As we all know, lawyers want to refer cases not just to good lawyers, but also to lawyers who we know and like. And what better way to get to know another lawyer than through their TikTok account?
3. Culling and Curating Content – Think of all the content that a successful and consistent marketing presence demands. Whether it’s preparing presentations for events, drafting blog posts, sending client newsletters or posting on social media, creating original content can take hours. But TikTok offers an endless stream of ready made content that you can cull, curate and share with your audiences with just a little added commentary. For example, let’s say you’re an estate planning attorney serving young families and you want to share a list of kid-friendly things to do you in your area. Tiktok will have you covered. Or you can share tips or analysis from other attorneys in blog posts or at other social sites, and offer your own spin.