Search results for: women biglaw
Why Do Experienced Women Lawyers Leave Biglaw? Why Do We Care?
Yesterday, the ABA released a report entitled Walking Out the Door: The Facts, Figures and Future of Experienced Women Lawyers in Private Practice. Focused on the perspective of women with 15 years or more experience in the nation’s 350 largest firms, the report seeks to answer the question “why do experienced women lawyers leave biglaw.”…
Read MoreHow The ABA’s Obsession With Women at Biglaw Ignores the Women Who Really Need A Hand
Earlier this week, this news story about Ieshia Champs, a single mom with five kids who will graduate from law school in May degree, went viral. And why not? What could be more inspirational than a determined woman and single mom realizing her dream of becoming a lawyer without letting anything stand in her way?…
Read MoreNow That Men Are Leaving BigLaw, Does That Mean It’s OK for Women to Leave As Well?
Eight years ago, at a conference sponsored by Ms. JD , I attended a gripe-session about the hardships of big law for women, to which I responded by listing the benefits of starting one’s own firm. As I described here, my remarks were received tepidly, and in fact, one woman responded: Starting a firm is…
Read MoreWomen Lag At BigLaw But Lead As Solos
Only in the twisted hierarchical legal profession would an increase in the number of women as counsel and staff lawyers be viewed as cause for celebration. Yet according to this Law 360 article, “industry experts are applauding the fact that 40 percent of non-partner and associate roles at law firms are now occupied by women…
Read MoreWomen Lawyers Now Biglaw Managing Partners. And we care because…?
Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that two major law firms, BryanCave and MorganLewis each named women as managing partners, a first for both firms. So now, in the words of Therese Pritchard, Bryan Cave’s new managing partner, “younger women think that they can do it too.” Yet is big law partnership what younger women want? …
Read MoreAre Women Fighting for Equality At Biglaw Behind the Times?
I was looking through some of these relatively new books on getting ahead in business and entrepreneurship that Marci Alboher reviewed in her Careers Column for the NY Times. (If you recall, I reviewed Marci’s book, One Person, Multiple Careers back here in February). What struck me about these three books – Anti 9 to…
Read MoreWomen Not Just Leaving Biglaw for Babies, But For More Opportunity
Susan Cartier Liebel posts about how Gen Y women are saying no to biglaw because it doesn’t afford the kind of work life balance they demand. I’ve posted on and written about this theme before, as well. But what I don’t think I’ve emphasized sufficiently is that for women, starting a firm isn’t just a…
Read MoreBig Law Still Isn’t Big Enough for Women Who Want to Make It Big
Six and a half years after arguing that women’s success in legal doesn’t matter if they don’t work at Biglaw, Vivia Chen is back with this interview with Beth Wilkinson, who left biglaw at Paul Hastings back in 2016 to launch her own firm. Reading the interview, you can tell that Chen still doesn’t get…
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