The Legal ClauseIt
Plug & Play Power Pacts for Modern Law Firms
Have you ever thought about how much money you’ve lost by not having the right contract in place?
Download the Legal ClauseIt Table of Contents

For example:
- You have an online consult and the client’s ready to seal the deal. But you don’t have a standard engagement agreement to send and by the time you draft one, the client has hired someone else;
- You refund an entire flat fee after a client complains because your fee agreement didn’t set up a way to retain payment for work performed;
- You want to expand your litigation practice to serve as local counsel for out of state attorneys. But the thought of having to draft up an engagement agreement seems overwhelming;
- You refer a case to an attorney who verbally promises a 5-figure referral fee….then reneges because you didn’t have an agreement in place;
- You wind up photocopying files for a client who withdrew because you failed to advise in advance that you only retain digital files;
- Clients constantly call round the clock, consuming your energy…when a simple Client Policy might have deterred them;
- You spend an afternoon responding to an inquiry from a bar regulator who determined that your website didn’t have ethically compliant terms of service.
What’s worse, you know that there must be a simple way to address and avoid these issues. But it’s time-consuming to google for online templates or wait for someone to respond to a request for help in a Facebook Group.
The solution is finally here – the Legal ClauseIt where you’ll find Plug & Play Power Pacts for the Modern Law Firm. You’ll receive an 88-page manual (with footnotes too!) explaining how to use your retainer agreement to secure payment, protect yourself from unreasonable clients and experiment with lucrative, innovative business models. Also included are 30+ form agreements that you can use either as is (in some instances), or modify to create a template best suited for your practice that you can use over and over again. Here’s a full description of what you get when you purchase this product.
The cost is $149. That price is a steal – as you’d pay substantially more to purchase just one Website Terms of Service for Law Firms or Privacy Policy – which are just two of the 33 draft agreements (added several more since this list) included with the product. And to back it all up is an 88-page Guide that explains all of the ethics issues that need to be considered as part of your agreement. Plus bonus chapters on the importance of readability, automation and e-signature. If this sounds good, click below to BUY NOW.
Want to see how you can use the product in practice? Check out these videos:
Initial Consult Agreements
Virtual Assistant/Paralegal Agreement
Other Questions? Contact me directly at Carolyn Elefant at
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