Social Media for Women Lawyers:

How Women Lawyers Can Harness the Power of Social Media To Achieve Professional Goals

Social media plays to women lawyer’s professional strengths…so it’s unfortunate that more women lawyers aren’t playing with social media.   Many reasons explain women’s underrepresentation:  some women are simply not convinced of the value of social media, some believe that they lack the time for social media between work and family, while women seeking to return to the work force after an absence may lack confidence in their tech skills.

Unlike any other presentation you may have attended on social media, this webinar/teleconference focuses on specifically on these issues largely unique to women.   We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Why social media is such a powerful rainmaking tool for women lawyers;
  • How social media can benefit women lawyers working part-time or seeking re-entry to legal practice;
  • How to ease into social media without feeling overwhelmed by technology or information overload;
  • The tried and true  formula for successful engagement of social media;
  • Time management strategies for power use of social media while maintaining work-life balance;
  • How to multi-task with social media: keep abreast of your practice area while establishing an online presence as an authority in your practice area
  • BONUS:  In addition to these more general topics, we’ll show how to put them into practice with a step-by-step strategy on using social media to identify and secure speaking engagements in front of your target audience, obtain media coverage and convert online contacts into offline relationships.

The webinar will be taught by Carolyn Elefant and Nicole Black, co-authors of the ABA bestseller, Social Media for Lawyers: the Next Frontier.  Carolyn and Nicole are lawyers who have used the power of social media to benefit their respective careers.  They offer trainings to law firms, bar associations and law schools on using social media to achieve professional goals.

Presenter Bios: Nicole Black is of counsel to Fiandach and Fiandach, in Rochester, New York. She is also the founder of, a company which educates lawyers regarding technology issues and provides legal technology consulting services. Nicole co-authors “Criminal Law in New York”, a Thomson West treatise, and is currently working on a book about cloud computing for lawyers that will be published by the American Bar association in early 2011. She publishes four blogs, and writes and speaks nationally on the intersection of law, technology and social media.

Carolyn Elefant is principal attorney with the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant in Washington D.C., which focuses on energy regulatory matters, emerging renewables and federal appeals and litigation and social media in regulated industries.  In 2002, Carolyn launched the blog, the longest running blog on solo and small firm practice.  Carolyn is author of the book, Solo by Choice:  How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be, and speaks and writes nationally on solo practice in the twenty-first century, social media and legal ethics.


Thanks to all those who registered for our December 2, 2010 webinar.  We had a great turnout and a terrific call.  We’re looking forward to scheduling more live webinars in 2011, and we are also available to speak at law firms, bar associations and other industry events.  Right now, our programs do not have CLE certification, but we are working on obtaining CLE accreditation for 2011.

In the meantime, if you’d like to purchase a recording of our webinar, Social Media for Women Lawyers, please click the order button below.  Here’s what you’ll receive:

1.  80 minute recording Social Media For Women Lawyers and accompanying slide deck in PDF format;

2.  45 page e-workbook which includes:

-Exercises on profile creation with tips on keyword selection and list of powerful profile terms,
– Exercise on Using social media to gain speaking engagements, attract media, find employment (or institutional clients)
– Checklist: Effective Social Media Strategy: 3 hour set-up and 30 minutes a day;
– Social Media Affinity Test: Choosing the Platforms that Serve Your Goals;
-Ethics Module: Slides and article on ethics and social media

3. Coupon for discount on Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier

Cost:  $30.00

To order, click here
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