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Unlock the Future of Legal Practice: Build Ethically Compliant Custom GPTs!

Are you ready to harness the power of AI to revolutionize your law practice? Join our comprehensive course, “Building Ethically Compliant Custom GPTs for Lawyers,” designed specifically for legal professionals looking to integrate cutting-edge technology into their practice while adhering to ethical standards. You’ll learn to build custom GPTs for internal use in your firm and as public facing tools

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Custom ChatGPTs: Navigating Legal and Ethical Compliance for Public-Facing AI Tools

Abstract This article explores the legal and ethical considerations lawyers must address when creating custom versions of ChatGPT for public use. It discusses the potential applications of these tools, such as educating clients on legal matters or providing preliminary advice to landlords. The article outlines key ethical requirements, including AI disclosure, supervision, attorney-client relationship, confidentiality, and unauthorized practice of law

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genai to help law firm

Some GenAI to Help Your New Law Firm

Are you interested in what generative Ai can do but haven’t had a chance to spend the time experimenting, or even sitting through an hour-long webinar? Here are two resources that won’t take more than ten minutes of your time. First up – a summary comparison of five gen AI platforms and their legal research capabilities. Second, this post showing

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AI legal best practices

AI & Law: Download the Suggested Best Practices Guide

The legal field is undergoing a tech revolution, and AI is at the forefront. That’s why I created  “Frequently Asked Questions and Suggested Best Practices Related to Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Profession”. This resource addresses critical AI topics like copyright issues, client privacy, ethical use, and more. It’s an essential read for any legal professional looking to navigate

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There has never been a better time in the history of the legal profession to start a law firm.

ABOUT US was created to address the unmet demands and desires of solos and small law firms, the clients we serve and others in the legal profession who use our services or dream of going out on their own.

In contrast to most other sites geared for solo and small firm lawyers, which discuss the nuts and bolts of starting, operating and marketing a traditional general practice law firm, MyShingle has always offered support for a variety of solo lawyers – from those who run boutique or corporate practices that directly compete with large firms to lawyers looking to create a part time practice while caring for children or holding down a day job.