Go Ask A Blogger – It Works!
The greatest thing about blogs is that they give small lawyers like you and me access to resources that were once completely out of our grasp. The reason is that at least now, most bloggers still blog because they’re completely enthusiastic about their field or enjoy sharing information.
Tom Lincoln at the Trial Prep blog has this great post about his positive experience in seeking help from a fellow blogger:
I can recall only last summer when I was working on an important Blakely issue, and had done an enormous amount of research, drafting and redrafting, but still felt somewhat uncertain on whether my planned approach was the best. I had seen a few comments posted by noted attorney Peter Goldberger over at Sentencing Law and Policy, as well as having seen a few postings to a listserv from him. Although I had never met Peter, I decided that he was the person I should ask for help, and had the nerve to send him an email one evening. A few minutes later I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from Peter and after a few more exchanged emails, felt very much assured of what path to take. I grant you that not every lawyer approaches Peter in having both great knowledge and a willingness to share, but I can assure you that many more than you might think do have plenty of knowledge and that same willingness to help others. Moreover, at times the things we are uncertain of have nothing to do with substantive aspects, but “dumb” things such as (I recall these from my first oral argument before the First Circuit) where are the lights?, where do I sit? So, please, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
I really hope that the free discussion of information continues in the blog world. And I hope that years from now, we don’t look back at the nascent days of blogging and reminisce about how so many law bloggers used to answer questions, willingly and freely and wonder why they don’t do it anymore.
Carolyn: Thanks for reprinting Tom Lincoln’s very kind comments on my willingness to help him. However, I’m *not* a “fellow blogger.” I do read and sometimes comment on several blogs (including Tom’s), but I don’t run one myself.
Carolyn: Thanks for reprinting Tom Lincoln’s very kind comments on my willingness to help him. However, I’m *not* a “fellow blogger.” I do read and sometimes comment on several blogs (including Tom’s), but I don’t run one myself.
Part two: How to tame the blogging buzz
Some bloggers are reacting to the latest news coverage of blogging (BusinessWeek’s story and a New York Times report on a celebrity blogging site) like locals who are worried their favorite watering hole is going to be invaded by the
Part two: How to tame the blogging buzz
Some bloggers are reacting to the latest news coverage of blogging (BusinessWeek’s story and a New York Times report on a celebrity blogging site) like locals who are worried their favorite watering hole is going to be invaded by the