Courageous Lawyers Are Solo
This article from New York Lawyer (August 19, 2005) tells us solos what we already know — that going solo takes versatility and courage — as well as something we don’t — that the number of lawyers willing to risk hanging a shingle has dwindled. (I took issue with this survey in this prior post). Still, prospective solos will find much in this article to encourage them; the shinglers interviewed therein, while harried, are all happy and successful in their practices. And really that’s what matters at the end of the day: not so much whether solo practice is a popular option or not, but whether it’s one which is right for those who choose it.
This does not surprise me. As we know, law schools don’t tend to attract entrepreneurs, but rather folks who need the security of a professional designation. Only after I went solo and garnered some success have ex-colleagues asked if they could join me as partners (rather than share the risk at the outset).
Everyone (it seems) wants the bread, few are prepared to grow the wheat and grind the flour.
This does not surprise me. As we know, law schools don’t tend to attract entrepreneurs, but rather folks who need the security of a professional designation. Only after I went solo and garnered some success have ex-colleagues asked if they could join me as partners (rather than share the risk at the outset).
Everyone (it seems) wants the bread, few are prepared to grow the wheat and grind the flour.