60 Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes
Rob Robinson summarizes the list of 60 Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes from an ABA Techshow presentation. I’ve used many of these tips with success (like niches with riches) and others, I know I should be using, like following up after speaking engagements or improving my Power Point skills. Finally, some of the tips, like marketing at trade shows have never worked for me.
I realize that the list is a bit superficial, but it’s a summary, after all. Readers, do share – which of these tips have worked best for you or alternatively, proven ineffective?
“60 Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes”
Posted by Carolyn Elefant posts: ?ob Robinson summarizes the list of 60 Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes from an ABA
“60 Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes”
Posted by Carolyn Elefant posts: ?ob Robinson summarizes the list of 60 Marketing Tips in 60 Minutes from an ABA
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