Using Security as a Selling Point for Your Practice
A few weeks ago, Jordan Furlong (who’s North America’s answer to Richard Susskind) tipped me off to Clearspire, a new, “new kind of law firm.” Billing itself as a revolutionary law firm, Clearspire’s website reads like a page out of Susskind, hitting all of the buzz words like alternative billing, combining legal advice with business acumen and leveraging IT. Been there done that.
But what Clearspire is doing that is unique is using its high level security as a selling point for potential clients. Clearspire boasts that security is our enterprise DNA, emphasizing that:
In short, we have literally built our operation based on providing absolute security for our clients’ information.
As I write this post, the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 is evaluating client confidentiality issues related to lawyers’ use of technology. Moving at the speed of candlelight, the Commission isn’t likely to issue guidelines for another year, which is the equivalent of decades in the Internet Age. So before increased security becomes mandatory, law firms like Clearspire are wise to play it up as a selling point.
But solo and small firm lawyers can benefit from security as a selling point as much as larger players like Clearspire. After all, security – protection of client data and confidences – is what gives lawyers a leg up over companies like Legal Zoom, which rejects any liability for loss, misuse or destruction of data entrusted to it by users. Lawyers have a higher obligation; and if documents are lost while in our care, we’re going to take responsibility rather than leave clients in the lurch.
Security sure isn’t as sexy a selling point as flat fees or money back guarantees. But in the 21st century, selling security can attract clients and contribute to the financial security of your firm.