Lawyers & Video: Interview With Gerry Oginski


Why Lawyers Should Use Video from Carolyn Elefant on Vimeo.


Are you interested in learning more about how lawyers can use video?  Sure, I could have written a post on the subject, but I figured that the better approach was for the medium to fit the message. So I taped a Skype chat with Gerry Oginski, a New York medical malpractice attorney and early adopter of video, as evidenced by the extensive video library that Gerry has created on YouTube. Gerry is also founder of The Lawyer’s Video Studio which has been a sponsor of MyShingle since March.


My video interview with Gerry is 25 minutes and it’s filled with solid information on creating video, some funny stories (you can see me giggling in the chat box) and very astute insights on the use of Skype. [Caveat – I prepared this video – not Gerry – the quality of his work is extremely more professional and high quality]. But if you’d prefer to skip through to a specific topic, here’s what we covered:

00:45 – Learn why Gerry got started with videos, and his early efforts to create them

6:00 – How can new lawyers who don’t have much substantive knowledge create meaningful video content for potential clients?

10:00- Biggest mistakes that lawyers make on video

13:30 – What services does the Lawyers’ Video Studio provide?

20:00 What’s your view of Skype – the next logical iteration of video?

21:39 – Where is video headed?

If you currently sponsor MyShingle or are interested in doing so, and would like a video about your product or service, please contact me at


  1. Anonymous on June 3, 2011 at 3:05 am

    Hey Carolyn! Thanks for the great interview. If only Skype created the same hi-definition quality as a good video camera and the audio was better, Skype would be a nice media to use to educate your ideal client. Until that happens, you must create great quality video starting with excellent content that viewers want and need to know.

    Founder, Lawyers Video Studio

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