Marketing to the Low Hanging Fruit: Old, Old Contacts
Here on the East Coast, we’ve had a long, hard winter. Between bitter cold, sleet and snow, delayed school openings and court and government shut-downs, it’s been difficult to find the energy to get through the work in front of me, let alone slog through the litany of marketing staples — law firm newsletter, Twitter, association work, board meetings and speaking engagements. Still, rather than put marketing activities on hold until spring, I decided to take a different and more enjoyable approach that’s been surprisingly productive: reconnecting with old, old contacts.
By old contacts, I’m referring to people whom I haven’t been in touch with in two years or more. My group includes lawyers I’ve worked for as far back as twenty-five years ago at my first jobs out of law school as well as lawyers who’ve worked for me. Catching up has been enjoyable but also surprisingly productive. Over the years, many former contacts have expanded their networks as well and the meetings have already lead to some new opportunities.
When you’re busy and burnt out, it can be tough to muster up the energy to put your game face on and make a pitch to someone new. At the same time, lunching with the same people over and over again, while enjoyable on a personal level, may not yield new work. Old friends and colleagues, however, are low hanging fruit. Generally, they’ll be happy to hear from you and equally interested in catching up. And because of the shared history, carrying a conversation isn’t difficult either.
So why not brighten your prospects for the future by revisiting your past. Go through old client lists, track down your law school classmates and professors or give a former mentor a call. We may be in the midst of the coldest winter in a long time, but taking the time to get back in touch will put a little warmth in someone’s day.
Could not agree with you more. It is an easy email to send, does not have to come off as a prospecting call, and let’s the person you are reaching out to set the tone for any follow up. And a great way to beat the out of site, out of mind problem. Works great for your former partners if you come from a large firm background.