Make Money Mondays: Summer Projects
Although summer conjures up visions of lazy weekends by the pool and hectic family vacations, for me, summer has always been the season to move discretionary projects off my checklist. With many of the forums where I practice in recess for some or all of the summer and clients working short weeks, I often have more time to get things done. Plus, most summers, I typically have a brigade of eager law students who can lighten my workload. Below are some of the ways that you can leverage this summer to plant seeds for new business that you can harvest in the fall. And have some fun at the same time:
Offer Summer Marketing Specials Consumers always love seasonal marketing specials – products or services that are available only once a year. Here are a couple of tips for creating summer marketing specials .
Mixing Marketing With Fun Summer is conducive to fun activities – outside meet-ups at a local club, ballgames and picnics. Here are some ideas for reconnecting with colleagues in a more laid back manner. And while you’re at it, why not gather up a bunch of local events and circulate them in a client newsletter. Event sponsors will thank you as will your clients.
Hire a Summer Associate It’s not too late to hire a summer associate. Law firm employment is still hard to come by and law students who haven’t yet found jobs will be grateful to have something to show on their resume. Here are five reasons to hire a summer associate.
Relax! Finally, don’t forget to spend at least part of the summer relaxing so that you can hit the ground running after Labor Day. There are plenty of ways to take some downtime without shutting down entirely.
What is summertime like at your law firm? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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