What If Today Were Your Last Day To….?
Seven years ago, I had my last real conversation with my beloved husband before the brain tumor that we would learn about ten days later wreaked havoc on his beautiful mind and eventually took his life. There’s so much I wish I had told him then, and so much more that’s transpired in the past seven years that I wish that I could share with him now. And what makes today even more poignant for me is that this year, I am 57 years old – the exact same age as my husband was seven years ago when life threw him a fatal curveball. Fingers crossed, I have a whole bonus life ahead of me that my husband never had.
I rarely reflect publicly on losing my husband because doing so reduces him to a teachable moment when he built an awesome legacy that was so much more: artificial intelligence pioneer, genius coder, inventor of the Kindle-audio book synch for Amazon, enthusiastic dad and the truest and most big-hearted partner imaginable.
But today, I’m making an exception to my policy because this message is so important. Realize that tomorrow is never promised. You don’t always get a second-chance or a do-over. Today may be your last day for something. To honor my husband and anyone else who was lost too soon, make the most of today in ways simple or life-altering:
- Meet a colleague for lunch.
- Ditch work early and take your kids to the beach.
- Give notice at your unspeakably miserable job and start the law firm or company you always dreamed of.
- Thank a mentor for believing you;
- Call that friend you lost touch with;
- Tell your partner what they really mean to you.
After seven years, I would give anything for a five minute conversation with my husband. It’s too late for me but that doesn’t have to be the case for you.