My Remarks on Woman Law Firm Ownership

Here are the remarks I gave when I accepted the Woman’s Bar of DC Stars of the Bar award:

“Thank you so much for this honor. You know, when I started my law firm, my goal was simple—to avoid a gap on my resume after being fired from my job at a firm. I never imagined that, 30 years later, it would become my life’s work. But ownership rescued me. It took me from being an unemployed, desperate associate to a law firm partner overnight. Now, granted, that law firm had only one attorney—and that attorney was me. But hey, a win is a win.

That’s when I realized the transformative power of ownership. Ownership changes the conversation from ‘Who’s going to let us have Fridays off?’ or ‘Who’s going to let us first chair that trial?’ to ‘Who’s going to stop us?’ It shifts the focus from asking for permission to exploring possibilities.

Ownership changes the conversation from ‘Who’s going to let us have Fridays off?’ or ‘Who’s going to let us first chair that trial?’ to ‘Who’s going to stop us?’

And that’s why women who start law firms aren’t just lawyers, but creators, visionaries and innovators. They’re building new spaces. They’re innovating with remote practice, 30-hour work weeks, and environments where women can thrive. They’re starting firms not just to keep a foot in the door but to build wealth for themselves and their families. And they’re taking on cases that traditional firms often shun, representing domestic violence survivors, environmental justice communities—my personal passion—entrepreneurs of color, and even a writer who dared to sue a president for sexual assault. Yes, that was a woman-owned law firm that did that.

Yet despite its benefits of law firm ownership,  the legal profession (until tonight) rarely acknowledges them. Law schools don’t teach about starting a law firm as a viable career opinion for women.  And women who consider starting their own firms are met with a barrage of condescending questions like are you going to make any money? It will be nice to work in your pajamas. Good thing your husband can support you; and you know, you’re going to kill your career.

For the women who heard this nonsense, I see you and I have your back. This award is for all of the women law firm owners who in the face of the naysayers, chose to bet on yourself. Together we are building a more just and enlightened legal profession.