Welcome to AI for Solo and Small Firms

Gen_AI_ Legal

Generative AI is evolving at lightning speed, poised to revolutionize the practice of law. As clients increasingly adopt these powerful tools, they expect their lawyers to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the same technology.

At MyShingle, the mission has always been to ensure that solo and small law firm owners remain at the forefront of innovation. This dedicated resource page is your gateway to adopting generative AI responsibly, efficiently, and effectively, empowering your firm to thrive in the rapidly changing legal landscape.



Which #genAI tool is best? The WSJ did a great overall compare - and heres one I did for legal https://myshingle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/SUMMARYAICOMPARE-Final.pdf #legaltech #ailawyers #lawpractice#greenscreen

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Another #AI #legalresearch tool thats entirely free. My quick review of descrybe.AI #ailawyer #legalai #lawpractice #legaltech

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#aivoicecloning is here. What are some of the #legalethics implicattions for lawyers who use it. l@descriptapp #legalai #legaltech #startalawfirm #ailawye

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Of course, it goes without saying that you need to read the cases!!! But by using other court filings as source material, you increase the odds that the caselaw and arguments will be accurate. But still verify! #tiktokban #genai #anthropicai #legaltech #ailawyer

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Shout out to #genAI for helping me parse the 184 page #tiktokban ( yes, I went to the source after reading the summary) #anthropic #Claude #lawpractice #greenscreen

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#genAI makes it easy to fsbricate documents. Shoukd lawyers demand that their clients certify authenticity? #ailawyer #legaltech #lawpracyice #lawfirm #courts

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Even if you dont use #genAI to draft documents, it rocks for summaries! #lawyers #legalAI #lawpractice #legsltech

♬ How did i go from this...to this - sophie

#genAI is great but there are some unintended consequences for the legalprofession, both good and bad. #legaltech #lawfirms #lawstudents #lawpractice #soloattorney

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#ai #deepfake tech is so realistic that anyone can be duoed. Here are some ideas on how to lower your risk. #legaltech #generativeAI #lawyertiktok

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Its too much to expect #lawyers to stay on top of genAI. I’d like to train legal teams so they can tesch their attorneys. Any interest in a #tiktoklive on that? #legaltech #lawpractice

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Of all professionals, of course #lawyers are most worried about being displaced bt genAI. #lawpractice #legaltech #futureoflaw

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#ChatGPT can tell you about your carcollision. See how. And while that’s NOT going to be admissible in court (at least now) or substitute for consulting a lawyer, its another piece of information that can empower consumers. #personalinjury #legalai

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Was excited to learn that #OrangeTheoryFitness used #AI (in this case, a product called IronClad, home of @Alex Su) to save time and money on legal. Makes me love the brand a little more. #greenscreen #legalAI #lawpractice #smalllawfirm

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#Should lawyers be required to disclose use of #AI to clients? #legalAI #lawyers #biglaw smalllawfirm #legalethics

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Watch #AI parse the 500 page #DonaldTrumpdeposition and cherry pick the instances where he arguably exaggerated his net wirth which is one of the fact issues in the case. #legalai #smalllawfirm #legaltech #futureoflaw

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#Claude is the hands down winner over ChatGPT-4 for summarizing large PDF cases. #legalai #ailawyer #lawfirmstartup #lawpractice

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Part 1 - Anthropic #AI tool Claude works great for #attorney case summaries. Stay tuned for next segnent comoaring Chat GPT-4.

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

#stitch with @Rachel | The AI Exchange 🤖 #OpenAI Enterprise version is really exciting for #sololawfirm #smalllawfirms #biglaw #legalai #ailawyer

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Part I. - Practical tips on AI + law practice. Using @eightify.app to summarize long technical conferences for clients. Hiw are yiu using #AI in your #lawpractice? #smalllawfirm #energylaw #ailawyer #lawfirm #legaltech

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Heres a great example of how AI can be used to expand accesstojustice. Shout out to #WisconsinPublicDefendersService for responsible use of AI. #chatgpt #ailawyer #criminaldefense

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

When will clients start demanding that their #lawfirms start using #AI? Sooner than you think. #ai #chatgpt #ailawyers #lawfirms #startalawfirm #greenscreen

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Will #AI replace #lawyers? Eventually, yes. Articles like this one convey a false sense of security #AI #legal #startalawfirm #biglaw

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

No time to learn ChatGPT? Here’s a quick way for lawyers to learn it on the fly. #chatGPT #lawyerai #legalAI #legaltech #startalawfirm #lawpractice #lawstudents

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Another order requiring lawyers to disclose use of #ChatGPT and why it makes no sense. #lawyerai #startalawfirm #legaltech #lawpractice #legalai

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

How does Casetext stack up against ChatGPT ( disclosure: my own video and opinion but I’m a loyal CT user) #legalresearch #AIlawyer #startalawfirm #lawpractice

♬ Happy Ukulele - TonsTone

Lawyers shouldn’t have to disclose if they used #AI for briefs any more than they should reveal that they used a quill pen to write it. Gathering info by anon survey is ok to collect data but not by asking in oprn court #ailawyer #courtroom #judges #chatgpt #startalawfirm

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

Uding #AI plugin to generate a video. Still a but riuhh but took under a minute #lawyerai #lawyerclient #startalawfirm#CapCut

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

More details on using fireflies.ai to transcribe meetings for your ckients. Makes you look good! #ailawyer #lawyerclient #startalawfirm #lawpractice

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant

If your lawyer doesnt AI, maybe you shouldn’t be using that lawyer. #Ailawyer #startalawfirm #lawpractice #legal

♬ original sound - Carolyn Elefant