Future & Trends
ABA Opinion on Virtual Offices: Is It Time for the ABA to Step Aside?
Yesterday, the ABA released Opinion 498 on Virtual Law Practice. A year into the pandemic, the ABA opinion attempts to make virtual practice seem like a big scary monster that lawyers should avoid if possible or approach with so much fear that they’re doomed to failure from the start. What a wasted opportunity. Because if…
Read MoreTo Advance Diversity in Law Firms, Stop Bemoaning And Start Owning
Earlier this month, the ABA Commission on racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession released the ABA’s first ever Report ever on diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. After presumably thousands of dollars and hours, the Report reached the unshocking and obvious conclusion that…big law is overwhelming white and male. Imagine that! Yes, known…
Read MoreClubhouse for Lawyers: Something to Talk About
Ever since 2010 when Nicole Black and I published the book Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier, social media for lawyers in some ways has become a victim of its own success. What I mean is that once lawyers began to recognize that social media could help attract clients, they glommed on to it…
Read MoreThe One Law Firm Where There Is NO Partner Pay Gap: The Law Firm of You
Yesterday, the ABA Journal reported that the pay gap between male and female partners at big law continues to widen. According to the article, in 2010, female partners earned 24 percent less than their male counterparts whereas in 2018, female partners earned 35 percent less. Why am I not surprised? Some attribute male/female pay gaps…
Read MoreThe Lawyer Mom Owner Summit: Top Five Reasons on Why I Chose the Pandemic To Start Another Legal Conference and Why You Should Join
Back in March, when the coronavirus over took the country, shuttering courts and sending lawyers packing from their office to remote work, virtual conferences and webinars began popping up all over the place. In fact, you couldn’t spend a second on social media without being bombarded with a notification of a free webinar on COVID-19…
Read MoreDon’t Replicate – Create: How Lawyers Succeed in the New Normal
A week or two before her high school graduation, my older daughter decided to go vegan. To accommodate my daughter’s new eating regime, our family celebrated her graduation at a vegan restaurant which served up entrees like lasagna and chicken parmigiana by substituting nutritional yeast and soy proteins for cheese, eggs and meat. Yet despite…
Read MoreCourting Crisis: Will the Corona Virus Be The Incentive Lawyers Need to Innovate?
My longtime blogging colleague and co-defendant Eric Turkewitz recently expressed some hope that the corona virus crisis would serve as a catalyst for needed reforms to New York’s antiquated judicial system. As Turkewitz wrote long ago in 2008, in-person motions practice, status calls and waiting time wastes $10 million in time for a single court…
Read MoreLet’s Make the Next Decade in the Legal Profession Less Disappointing Than the Last
On the dawn of a new decade in the legal profession, I should be excited about the future. As Bob Ambrogi optimistically writes, there is much to celebrate from a surge in startups, the upending of the WEXIS duopoly, and a push towards regulatory reforms to allow for outside ownership of law firms. Social media,…
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