Solos & Smalls Can Get Big Law Referrals by Joining the NextLawNetwork
Looking for referrals? If you’re tired of spending hundreds of dollars monthly on Pay-per-click , offering discounted flat rate services and paying a finders’ fee for the privilege or participating in utterly useless and outdated bar referral programs, you may want to consider joining the Next Law Network – sponsored by none other than Dentons…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Buddy Up for Marketing
This article by Carol Roth, Use the Buddy System to Market Your Small Business is geared towards small business – but a couple of the tips apply equally well to small law firms. Moreover, because these practices are often overlooked by small firms, they can provide a quick path to success. Roth’s first tip is…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Develop In & Out Legal Services
Not surprisingly, most lawyers would rather handle one $30,000 case than 30 one-thousand dollar matters or 60 five-hundred dollar matters. Managing thirty, or worse – 60 – different matters can involve significant transaction costs even when a firm is highly automated. On the other hand, when you’re starting out or if business is slow, a…
Read MoreHow Lawyers Can Benefit from the Rise of Influence Marketing
Nearly forty years after lawyer advertising was legalized, has it run its course? Maybe so, suggests this this article at Content Standard, which observes that: Somewhere between the “Mad Men”-esque glamour of the 1960s and today, advertising lost its shine. Both in the TV world and beyond, advertising is often associated with something that people…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Let Colleagues Know You’ll Accept Work On A Contract Basis
Once upon a time in the legal profession, networking with more experienced colleagues was one of the quickest and most dependable ways to generate new business referrals. Generally, that hasn’t changed. What has changed, however, is many firms’ willingness to refer certain matters. For example, many law firms have relaxed conflicts rules to enable them…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: It’s All in the Follow Up
Every so often, I’ll get an email or call from a relatively new solo asking whether to follow up with a prospective client who they spoke with by phone or had a consult. These lawyers expressed discomfort not so much because of fear of rejection, but rather, they did not wish to appear overbearing or…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Sweat the Small Stuff
This past Sunday, I introduced my young nephews to the joys of Uber. Though initially skeptical — (What do you mean, Aunt Carrie – some random guy we don’t know is going to pick us up in a strange car?), by the end of the ride, their driver, Arnold won them over with free sodas…
Read MoreMake Money Monday: Shed Unnecessary Expenses
A perennial question for businesses facing tough times is whether to prioritize cost-cutting or revenue growth. But cost-cutting and revenue growth aren’t mutually exclusive. Shedding unnecessary expenses can quickly free up funds to invest in initiatives to propel your firm’s growth. Below are some relatively painless ways to cut costs: Ineffective Paid Marketing Although it…
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