Why I Still Say Nein to Ninety-Nine Designs and Other Contest Sites
Over the years, I haven’t had much luck with branding. Partly, it’s just the Gemini thing; I split my time between my law practice and my practice blog, MyShingle – and even those broad categories are subdivided into various niches. The few times I’ve embarked on attempts to create a logo, I simply settled for…
Read MoreIs Lawyer Advertising Contract To the Tune of $2680 Per Lead Also A Fee Splitting Arrangement?
Depending upon where you live, you may have seen William Shatner shilling for law firms like Alabama-based Slocumb Law Firm on television. Poor production quality notwithstanding, Slocumb’s television advertising comes with a hefty price tag. According to the Washington Legal Times, Mike Slocumb is suing solo D.C practitioner, Michael Wilson for $197,000 in unpaid fees…
Read MoreThe $100 Start Up Is A Great Read For Lawyer StartUps
Cruising the airport magazine stand while airing for the departure of my flight to London last week, the cover of the Chris Guillebeau’s new book, $100 Start-Up caught my eye. My ipad was already loaded with reading material, including Eric Ries’ Lean Start Up which I’d put off reading for months, so I wasn’t in…
Read MoreGet in On the Ground Floor With Clients By Providing The Ground Floor
Want to get in on the ground floor with a start up? One law firm, albeit a large one, Foley, Lardner is doing just that. According to the Chicago Business Journal, a new co-working space for entrepreneurs called Catapult just launched in Chicago, and its secured a home free of charge, courtesy of Foley. In…
Read MoreCan a Law Firm Be a B-Corporation?
For new lawyers in search of a practice area, social entrepreneurship is all the rage. For those unfamiliar with the term, social entrepreneurship is the business of using business to focus on and solve social problems rather than simply generating shareholder profits. Social entrepreneurship is an evolving body of the law, requiring knowledge of both…
Read MoreLawyers: Drop YOUR Business Card in the MyShingle Virtual Fishbowl!
Note: You can either read through the entire post to learn more about this experiment, or jump right in and fill out this form to “drop” your business card into the MyShingle Online Fishbowl at Pinterest. If you drop your card before March 15, 2012, you’ll qualify to win one of two $75 Amazon gift…
Read MoreMake Your Own Groupon: Sell One, Donate One
While some may disagree, I stand by my original opinion that Groupon isn’t a great way for lawyers to market legal services. As I noted in the comments, a business model that requires any provider to share 50 percent of already deeply discount services doesn’t strike me as a viable business or marketing model, irrespective…
Read MoreDoes Your Marketing Consultant Have Skin In the Game?
Accountability is today’s latest buzzword, a commodity in high demand in the legal community. Whether it’s large firm clients exploring alternative billing that would create a nexus between price and value, or exploring ways to make legal education more useful or simply making legal fees more transparent for consumers, both law students and clients want…
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