ABA report: No New Rules Needed for Law Firm Rankings
The following is a guest post by Roy Ginsburg When U.S. News & World Report decided to rank law schools, this ranking – for better or worse — fundamentally changed the law school admissions process. So when U.S. News announced that it would join forces with Best Lawyers to publish rankings of lawyers, that announcement…
Read MoreUpdate on Testimonials & Ratings
Here’s a round up post on my Legal Marketing Blawg posts on testimonials and ratings Responding to Negative Ratings (May 17, 2011). Marketing Through Testimonials: Giving and Receiving (March 2, 2009)
Read MoreUpdate on Mobile Marketing
Over at the Nolo Legal Marketing Blawg, I’ve written a series of posts on the growing trend towards mobile marketing. Because mobile marketing and apps continue to grow in popularity, I’m cross-posting some of my columns over here. Mobile Mommy Marketing (April 18, 2011) Create an App in A Snap (October 27, 2010) More on…
Read MoreWhy I Say Maybe [No Thanks] to Handwritten Thank You Notes [Update 3/16/11]
See update notes at end of post (3/16/2011) Inspired by posts singing the praises of handwritten thank-you notes (like this, this and this), I decided to experiment a little myself. For the past month or two, I’ve sent a dozen or so handwritten notes to colleagues, thanking them for taking the time to meet with…
Read MoreStarting A Law Firm: Creating the Marketing Portfolio
Diversify, diversify, diversify. That’s the advice you’ll commonly hear if you’re investing in the market. Well, that advice applies with equal force when you’re starting a law firm and investing in yourself. Just as you need a portfolio for stock investment, so too, you’ll want a portfolio of activities by which to market your practice. …
Read MoreSome Marketing Projects for 2011
As you know, I post on legal marketing over at Nolo’s Legal Marketing Blawg. This past year, I wrote some fairly meaty posts on a variety of different marketing-relating initiatives for law practices that haven’t been covered with the same depth elsewhere. With the year winding down, why not take the time to look at…
Read MoreAre You Targeting the Clients You Want? Wordle Your Website to Find Out.
Is your website working to target the clients you want? You don’t need a high-priced marketing consultant to figure out the answer. Instead, just Wordle it. Wordle is an online application that generates word clouds from text or website URLs that you provide, with more frequently used words depicted in larger fonts. In the past,…
Read MoreReal Solo Marketing Idea: A Pick Up for Your Practice
Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. That’s exactly what Orange County, California solo Brian Pedigo did, when he converted a lemon of a pick up truck into a professional and tasteful mobile advertisement. Here’s the backstory, directly from Brian: I inherited this 1990 Ford F150 after my father in law passed away. We drove it…
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