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No More Pettifoggers – Real Life Marketing Lessons from Cornell Law School
I apologize for the down time over the past few days – my home office lost power for a couple of days and I needed to prioritize work related matters with the limited Internet access and power that that I was able to find offsite. Right now, I’m up in Ithaca, New York at my 20th…
Read MoreContest for Website Tune-Up and Book on SEO
Tom O’Leary of The Attorneys ATM is holding a contest offering a free website tune-up as a prize. In addition, all entrants receive a free copy of his e-book, How To Dominate Google, Yahoo and MSN" To enter the contest, go to this link. Below, is my interview with Tom, where he describes his background…
Read MoreRhode Island Family Lawyer Joyfully Goes 100 Percent Virtual
Back in 1999, seven months pregnant with my younger daughter, I surrendered the Washington D.C. office around the corner from the White House that I’d occupied for half a decade. Though the rent was bargain basement cheap – around $500 including the phone line – I realized that I’d only used the space a dozen…
Read MoreLook Who’s Discounting Their Fees
If you’ve ever discounted your fees, either voluntarily to lure a client to your firm or involuntarily because your client ran out of cash, you’re in strong company. As I posted over at Legal Blogwatch, 76 percent of law firms discount their fees. But what’s even more interesting is that 89 percent of the discounters…
Read MoreStumbling Into Solo Practice
Some law firms start with fancy business plans and grand visions. Others happen seemingly by accident – and yet if we look back, we can trace the result to a series of choices earlier made. In this nostalgic post, New York Personal Injury Attorney Eric Turkewitz shares how his firm was born out of a…
Read MoreWhy You Can Succeed In Starting A Firm Even If You Floundered At Your Job or In Law School
Some lawyers want to start law firms, but fear that they’ll fail either because they floundered at their previous place of employment or performed poorly in law school. If that’s where you find yourself, worry no more. According to new research, a lack of control in a job situation has a fundamental effect on one’s…
Read MoreIf You Just Started a Law Firm, Hire A Summer Associate
OK, so I realize that my headline sounds crazy. After all, you just started a law firm four or six or eight months ago. You’re barely covering your expenses, you still have no idea what you’re doing, you’ve chosen – by design or necessity – to work from home so you don’t have an office…
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