One Resolution Done So Far
Like all of you, I’ve made many New Year’s resolutions, long lists of ideas and tasks that I intend to pursue and complete. So far, I have already accomplished one of them. Ever since, BlawgThink, I’ve been smitten by the concept of possibility of the wiki. Seems like they offer a cheap and efficient way…
Read MoreA Solo Extravaganza
The January 2005 DC Bar’s Washington Lawyer Magazine has this article Going Solo by Joan Rigdon. I’m profiled in it, briefly (though not much but a passing mention of MyShingle), as are many of my DC solo colleagues. The article reflects a great cross section of solo practice, with old timers like Joel Bennett (editor…
Read MoreThe Blackberry: A Short Leash or Liberation?
It’s interesting how mobile technologies, like the cell phone or Blackberry, pager or laptop can serve as a leash or as liberation, depending on context. This article, Blackberry: High tech Ball and Chain for Lawyers, Boston Globe (12/22/05) reveals that law firm Burns & Levinson uses Blackberries to keep lawyers on a tight leash, always…
Read MoreA Great Pro Se Idea
This article from the Sacramento Bee (12/26/05) reports on a new service by Legal Zoom: online preparation of a small claims case. According to the article, for $99.00, the company will draft up a small claims complaint based on an online questionnaire and for $60 more, will serve the defendant as well. So why would…
Read MoreOutsourcing to India, Three Years Later
One of the best things about a weblog is that it gives you proof that you said something first or spotted a trend way back when. In my case, I first blogged about the outsourcing to India trend in this January 2003 post. Now, almost three years later, outsourcing continues to grow. As this article…
Read MoreWhy Not To Burn Bridges, Part II
Following up on this earlier post here is yet another article on alumni networks, this time from the Chicago Tribune, entitled Companies Learn to Value Alumni (December 18, 2005). As the article reports, law firms are the latest to join the trend: Law firms are among the latest adopters. Their practice of forcing out lawyers…
Read MoreYes, You Can Be A Part Time Shingler
Solo Wannabee wonders whether you can start a law practice part time. Surprisingly, the conventional wisdom on this question is no, that solo practice demands full time commitment to make it and that client demands are full time. But that’s not my view. As I’ve said before, there are as many right ways to hang…
Read MoreMy Shingle Turns Three
Three years ago last night, MyShingle made its entry into the blogworld with this inaugural post and our declaration of intent: We seek to serve a broad audience — solos and small firm lawyers foremost of course, but also lawyers who dream of hanging out a shingle and law students for whom solo and small…
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