Two Great New Solo Blogs: Qui Custodes and NY MedMal
Just wanted to announce to great new blogs by solos. First up, by my colleague here in the DC are David Kaufman is Qui Custodes, a blog of personal security tips. In his introductory post, David explains the derivation of the blog’s name (roughly meaning "who guards the guardians") and reminds us that even as…
Read MoreWhat I Did Today
Well, readers, here’s what I did today to fill my stomach: spent a great fall day at a farm with my girls. And since I’m posting pictures, I couldn’t resist including the second photo of my other girl, our deaf and shorn Old English Sheepdog puppy Francesca aka Frisky.
Read MoreHave We Reached The Solo Practice Tipping Point?
Macolm Gladwell’s tipping point phenomenon is probably way over-referenced, and yet I can’t help but wonder whether the idea of solo practice is reaching a tipping point in the legal profession. Indicators abound everywhere. Consider: the proliferation of solo and small firm blogs (by solos or bar law practice management folks) on small firm practice…
Read MoreSolutions to Technology Distractions
Both David Giacalone and Greatest American Lawyer offers some suggestions here and here for minimizing the technology distractions that impede our productivity, which I posted on earlier here. GAL suggests techniques like blocking off time for working on briefs, taking a break from the computer screen and customizing cell phone messages so that we don’t…
Read MoreDid You Ever Work All Day And Feel Like You’ve Done Nothing?
Have you ever left the office feeling exhausted after a hectic day where it seemed as if all you did was talk on the phone and respond to emails? Whenever that happens to me, I’m inclined to blame myself for lacking the focus or discipline to stick to task. But truth is, apparently, the difficulty…
Read MoreMaking Real Money At A Virtual Firm
This article, Virtual Law Inc. reports on Hawaii shingler Greg Kim, a former biglaw partner who’s now practicing law with his way while still earing the same salary. So how does Kim’s practice differ from the traditional law firm? Here’s how: Instead of ranks of associates to do his bidding — and to rack up…
Read MoreOffice a Go Go
From Jim Calloway comes this post, Office on the Go, which describes how lawyers can make their office transportable (no comment on whether this is always a good idea). Jim recommends that if you can only have one machine, it should be a laptop. And these days, laptops are inexpensive enough to justify.
Read MoreMalpractice Insurance, Cheap
The new Practice blog has some good tips on purchasing malpractice insurance, with the best for lawyers who practice in California. Apparently, there’s a malpractice insurance prgoram that starts at $500 a year. That’s the cheapest quote I’ve every heard – and it’s great news for those just starting out.
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