My Shingle Now Part of Network

As of today, My Shingle joins our fellow bloggers listed here an official member of the Blog Network.  Unfortunately, we’re off to a bit of a rocky start due to server problems over on our home machine.  As our regular readers can see, the current site offers only a fraction of the content that our readers have come to expect.  We hope to have the site with two years worth of archives up and running shortly and even though we will transition over typepad for a more stable platform, you’ll still be able to access all of the content very easily.

Despite some of these problems, I’m thrilled to be part of the affiliate program.  As the site’s upgrade progresses, I look forward to unveiling our new tagline,  My  Opening Doors to Small Firm Practice.  Isn’t it time that you put your name on the door? (We’re even experimenting with this new logo design here below)  Our new tagline encapsulates the dual purposes of our website.  First, we seek to open the doors on solo and small firm practice to others in the profession.  We want to show what it’s like to be a solo, to focus on the concerns and issues unique to solo and small firm attorneys and most of all to shine a spotlight on those bar policies (e.g., disciplinary programs, mandatory CLE and pro bono) which seem facially neutral but disproportionately impact solo and small firm lawyers in a negative way.  Second, we hope to help and inspire other lawyers – be they recent graduates, retirees or biglaw associates or partners – to open the door to their own solo or small firm practice.   To this end, we offer an On Line Guide on Starting a Firm (to be uploaded soon) and dozens of articles and tips on starting and running a law firm.   Through our affiliation with, we believe that we can reach many more lawyers and help them realize their dream of solo and small firm practice – and make the bar and the public recognize the importance of the small firm lawyer in our judicial system.



  1. Law in Hyperspeed on November 28, 2004 at 6:39 am

    Great Blog for Solos and Small Firms

    Fortunately someone out in blog space is trying to help all of the solo and small firm types. Carolyn Elefant has a blog called My Shingle. It is a wonderful resource.

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