Jay Foonberg’s Famous Holiday Cards

Most of us solos know Jay Foonberg as the author of the solo bible,  How to Start and Build a Law Practice.  Who could have guessed that he’s also a purveyor of the kind of  "hey, look-at-me!" holiday cards (e.g., pictures with the Pope, at the South Pole) described in this article, Holiday Card Games: The Complex Politics of Winter Greetings, Monica Bay, Law Firm Inc.  (12/2004).

The article lists a couple of pet peeves that other attorneys have about holiday cards they receive, including misspelled names, bland politically correct cards or cards covered with signatures of people that the recipient doesn’t know.  Some of those quoted in the article prefer to bypass the holidays entirely, opting for Thanksgiving cards (that beat the holiday rush) or Valentines’ Day candy. 

What do you plan on sending out this year?  Drop us a comment and let us know.


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