Are you a lawyer who’s ready to start owning your talent but need a hand getting started?
I can help.
For the very first time, I’m offering a revolutionary quick-starter program that will have the foundation of your law firm up and running by the end of the year. Based on the principles underlying the century-old practice of barn-raising, the quick-starter program will leverage the power of community not just to foster accountability but to get the job done. Put another way, many hands make light work.
But there’s another thing. Starting a law firm can be hard. Your employed friends don’t get it. The successful firm owners who are running seven-figure shops don’t remember what it was like. The experience of putting something new out into the world is like none other and you want to surround yourself by a team that has your back and may become lifelong friends forever bonded by the shared start.
Why Am I Doing This?
A few reasons.
First, I am on a mission to make lawyers owners. I believe in the transformative power of law firm ownership to unleash innovation and creativity in the delivery of legal services, advance diversity in the legal profession and empower all lawyers to control their destiny to achieve financial success, career satisfaction and a lasting legacy.
But to get there, lawyers have to start – and that’s what I want to help them accomplish.
Second, I want to make online learning more effective. Lawyers do their best work in teams, yet CLE and programs are often singular events. Sure, lawyers network and socialize together but rarely do the substantive work together which can expedite both learning and results. I’m curious to see if this approach works because it can chart a path for changing the learning experience.
How It Works:
We’ll work through the roadmap of tasks that you’ll need to start your law firm with mini lectures or guides on each topic. Then, we’ll divide up the labor where possible (for example, tracking down ethics requirements in a particular jurisdiction or following up on leads for malpractice insurance) – with instructor and peer discussion of tasks
Prior to the program, you’ll be asked to take the Clifton Strengths Finder assessment test so that you can be paired with other lawyers who share complementary strengths;
By the end of the program, you’ll have the following:
- Your north star – Mission statement and vision
- Identification of target clients and ideal client exercise
- First year business roadmap
- Law firm name and tagline;
- Law firm one-sheet
- Client intake form;
- Client policies & procedures/client welcome package
- Client engagement letter and other form agreements
- Law firm announcement letter and circulation plan
- Website copy, including bio and practice areas and terms of use
- Set up of social media platforms and 3 months of content
- Mini video intros (optional)
- First year business road map
- And more depending upon your input!
Who is this program for?
- Lawyers currently and actively preparing to launch a law practice, non-profit law firm, or ancillary business (e.g., DIY forms sale);
- Lawyers who have been trying to get a firm or venture started but are suffering from analysis paralysis or lack of focus;
- Lawyers who don’t have tens of thousands of dollars to invest in a coaching program that doesn’t have any skin in the game when it comes to guaranteeing results;
- Lawyers who find accountability in working with others.
How to Register:
This is a NEW program – so you can’t register just yet. Participation will be capped at 21 students and we’ll reserve the right to cancel without enough attendees. The program is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of December 16-18, or we can schedule an evening session. The cost will be $299. If interested, please fill out the short form below: