Future & Trends
Why Do Experienced Women Lawyers Leave Biglaw? Why Do We Care?
Yesterday, the ABA released a report entitled Walking Out the Door: The Facts, Figures and Future of Experienced Women Lawyers in Private Practice. Focused on the perspective of women with 15 years or more experience in the nation’s 350 largest firms, the report seeks to answer the question “why do experienced women lawyers leave biglaw.”…
Read MoreThe Delta Model for Lawyers Fits Solos and Smalls to A T
In a world where lawyers are being displaced by technology, data scientists and policy experts, law schools are searching for ways to train lawyers to make them more relevant in today’s world. After all, law schools’ survival depends on placing students in jobs, so they need to teach them skills to make them marketable.…
Read More2019 Clio Trends Report: Is the 2.5 Hour Realization Rate As Bad As It Seems?
Yesterday, law practice management company Clio released its popular and widely read 2019 Clio Trends Report. The Clio Report is unique because in contrast to traditional surveys which rely on responses from humans, Clio culls through millions of pieces of anonymized user data generated through its platform to identify trends related to solo and small…
Read MoreMyShingle Comments on California Task Force Proposals
Here are the comments that I filed in response to the California Task Force’s Proposals on Access to Justice Through Innovation of Legal Services. I took the time because it’s so important for solo and small firm lawyers to weigh in – there are enormous opportunities here. Speaking on behalf of the MyShingle constituency, MyShingle…
Read MoreFuture Fridays: Killing Solo Softly: My Future is Now Talk
This past May, I had the honor of speaking at the highly-regarded Future is Now Conference which is sponsored by the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism. The conference talks were recently posted – and while I commend you to watch all of them (as well as the ones from previous years which I binge-watched…
Read MoreCan Lawyers Innovate If They Don’t Own It?
I came across this article from Fast Company about the 50 Best Workplaces for Innovators. Unfortunately, the article simply lists the companies rather than describing what characteristics make them innovative. And so I got to thinking: when it comes to law, can innovation truly come from within? Or do you have to own it to…
Read MoreWe Don’t Have to Trash Law’s Past to Move Forward to the Future
As I reflect back on the four years since husband’s death, I realize that one of the toughest obstacles to moving forward was my belief that any new step – whether replacing the standard with a car that our younger daughter could actually drive, or refinancing the house for a lower rate though we’d been…
Read MoreSolos & Smalls – Time to Weigh in On Changes to California
Last week, the State Bar of California released for public comment several proposals for regulatory reforms developed by the California Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services. Designed to spur innovation and expand access to justice options, the task force proposed three key reforms Narrowing restrictions on the unauthorized practice of law (UPL)…
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