Last Call for Webinar on Facebook Ads & Digital Marketing
As those of you on my email list may know, I’m sponsoring a webinar on Facebook ads and other types of digital marketing that will be presented by Jason Gardner and Alicia Glenn. Although I don’t ordinarily host webinars, the topic of Facebook advertising is of great interest to readers and this opportunity to host…
Read MoreMake Money Monday: Pop Up Law Firm
Believe it or not, the pop-up stores are a $50 million dollar industry according to Small Biz Trends . Moreover, as the infographic shows, there are more ways to run a pop-up business than just by opening a kiosk in a mall. Many pop up businesses are taking place within vacant spaces or existing stores.…
Read MoreMarketing By the Numbers, Part 2
Marketing by the Numbers, Part 2 About seven years ago, I created a 13-minute video entitled Marketing By the Numbers, where I showed, through the power of data, the rationale behind many recommended marketing practices. Although the stats that I used (particularly those regarding social media and mobile devices) may now be outdated, the marketing…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Seasonal Marketing – Summer Specials
I’ve written previously about the concept of seasonal marketing for law firms – that is, offering limited-time services that have some connection with a holiday or season. So for example, around Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day, a law firm might offer discounted services to veterans. Of course, seasonal marketing can go awry also – as…
Read MoreGoogle’s FREE Primer App Puts Many Pricey Legal Marketers To Shame.
I’m not sure how I missed it, but at the end of 2015, Google formally launched Primer , a free, sleek app that delivers bite-sized marketing lessons to help companies of all sizes build their businesses. Since then, Google has continued to update the app with new tutorials for small businesses developed by national experts…
Read MoreHow Davids Can Get Business From Goliaths
Referrals from big law firms. They’re the holy grail for lawyers with a specialized practice area commonly handled by large firms, or for big law expatriates who often aim to build a practice out of more price sensitive clients who can no longer afford big law rates. Yet generating big law referrals isn’t as easy…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Ask A Beautiful Question….
Content marketing is all the rage – but there are so many ways to attract and engage readers besides producing content on blog platforms like these, video or now over-used infographics. For example, you could test or entertain readers with quizzes and assessment tests. You don’t need a fancy system to set up a quiz…
Read MoreMake Money Mondays: Lessons From Customer Service Can Help Client Service
Although I don’t think that lawyers should treat clients as customers, nevertheless, lessons from customer service can sometimes be useful in managing clients. I found the suggestions in this piece, The New Customer Service Trend That’s Shaking Up the Marketing Industry to be especially on point. First, the article distinguishes between customer-centric and customer-first marketing…
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