How Doing Good Can Help You Do Well
Many solos who’d like to perform more pro bono work can’t do so for lack of time. So why not multi-task, and make pro bono work part of your marketing activities portfolio? Consider the example of lawyers profiled in this article, Creating a nonprofit helps others – and doesn’t hurt business either (ABA Journal, April…
Read MoreSee your name up in lights
I don’t attract any business through signs or billboards, but I found this story neat. This blurb from the New York Times (4/3/07) reports on a dentist who put her name up in lights. From the story: This was about 18 months ago, after Dr. Correa had opened an office above a McDonald’s, overlooking what…
Read MoreIntroductions Matter In Marketing, And Why Women Can Do Better Introducing Themselves
Lawyer Mama, a 30 something female law firm attorney, expresses her exasperation when an older male to whom she’s introduced by her boss (a firm partner) mistakes her for a secretary. While Lawyer Mama’s wrath is justified, she also unfairly directs her anger. As I see it, manner in which Partner introduced Lawyer Mama caused…
Read MoreA Cool Marketing Idea from Sharmil McKee: The Harpers Index
I’ve always enjoyed the Harpers Index and its ability to convey so much information in so few words. So that’s probably why I was so impressed with Philadelphia based attorney Sharmil McKee’s marketing sheet entitled Interesting Facts About Sharmil McKee. In contrast to a lengthy firm resume, the fact sheet offers just the facts such…
Read MoreReal Life Marketing Lessons
I come from a long tradition of hands on learning. Back when I was around 8 years old, my dad, who’s a chemist, would let my younger sisters and I loose in his lab on the weekend, where, unsupervised, we’d mix up solutions with “HCl” (hydrochloric acid), phenolthaline and other chemicals and watching them turn…
Read MoreIdeas for Standing Out from the Crowd
On most of the listserves that I’m on, new lawyers ask questions about how a particular marketing technique has worked for another attorney. And while it’s great to learn from what others have done and take approaches that have been successful, sometimes, you need to go out on a limb and do something completely revolutionary. …
Read MoreLet’s Just Authorize Unauthorized Practice Once and For All
Leave it to the bar associations to put the kibbosh on creativity. Take the case of Morris Gould, an enterprising lawyer who came up with a niche practice of offering New York counsel to Florida residents with New York legal matters, as described in this article, Federal Court Grounds Snowbird Law Practice (ABA e-report, 9/1/06). …
Read MoreGreat Advertising for Small Firms
If you want to sell a small business on using your small firm instead of a large, impersonal firm, I can think of no better marketing than this post from Ed Wesemann who describes, bluntly, what small clients really mean to big firms.
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