How to Use the Bars Reviewed: A Practical Guide
Last week, I unveiled the Bars Reviewed 2009, which surveys the services that bar associations are providing to solo and small firm practitioners. I’ve received really valuable feedback in the comment section and I’ve been working to continuously incorporate the comments into the chart. But the survey isn’t just a vanity tool to generate visibility…
Read MoreCriticize My Site, If You Will… But Don’t EVER Accuse Me of Lacking Transparency
In response to my post on The DC Bar and Avvo, I received a comment from DC Attorney that angered me enough to write this post. Specifically, DC Attorney attacked my integrity, and the integrity of this site with the following remark: Regardless, since it’s obvious Carolyn and Josh King have a financial stake in…
Read MoreOh, Biglaw: Why Pay $60k for Lawyers to Do Non-Profit Work When You Could Pay Them To Build A Lucrative Practice?
Update – please see the comments, as they are very informative. I think perhaps my position may be too extreme – funding a couple of non-profit positions or funding indigent criminal defense prgrams may not, on further reflection, be a bad idea (although in many instances, solo and small firm lawyers handle these kinds of…
Read MoreReader Question: Should I Take Consumer Cases Short Term Even Though I Want to Do Business Law Long Term?
I try to respond personally to the many emails that I receive from readers, but every so often, the email raises a question that has broader interest to other readers, so I post it here. Here’s an email that I recently received, with my response – but I welcome you to chime in: Q: I…
Read MoreThe Importance of Human Back-Up
For almost two weeks now, I’ve been dealing with a family situation that has taken me out of town, spending both days and nights at the hospital. Like many of my colleagues who responded to the MyShingle contest question, I too employ technology that lets me take my office with me on the road. Unfortunately,…
Read MoreAlexis Martin Neely – Why What I’m Doing With My Law Degree Matters
I went to law school to make a difference and really help people. I graduated from law school in 1999, when the economy was having a party and law firms were fighting for the top law school graduates. By the time I graduated, starting salaries had crept up to $135,000 per year and I graduated…
Read MoreThe Contract Lawyer Conundrum
[Some edits as of 1/16/09] Over at her blog, Legal Research and Writing Pro, my friend Lisa Solomon summarizes the recent spurt of posts round the blogosphere on the grim life of contract attorneys, who endure low wages, intolerable working conditions and frequently, degrading treatment from other lawyers. Lisa suggests that these lawyers consider starting…
I wanted to apologize for my delay in posting the results of the contest – there are so many great posts and I’d like to get them all set up to post in seriatim – but a couple of matters, including an unexpected family emergency have put me off track. I will either turn my…
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