Announcing….SOLOFORMANIA – now in beta!
My site has been dead for so long, that I couldn’t wait to get some new content going. So here it is, in beta…SOLO-formania. What is SOLOFORMANIA? It’s a cornucopia of forms for the busy solo – ranging from FREE sample practice guides, fee agreements and retainer letters, to court forms for all 50 states…
Read MoreShould We Rescue Biglaw, Part II?
A while back, I posed the question whether women at large firms have some kind of duty to rescue biglaw and save it from becoming the exclusive domain of white men. Well, here’s an article, Women Leaven which suggests that many women aren’t doing that. Instead, they’re leaving law firms in droves for greener pastures,…
Read MoreFor All DC Area Attorneys and New Law Grads: DC Bar Event re: Contract Lawyering
Contract Lawyering and Outsourcing: Career Options Start: May 24, 2007 Thursday 12:00 PM End: May 24, 2007 Thursday 1:30 PM Description D.C. Bar Law Practice Management Section; Courts, Lawyers and the Administration of Justice Section; Corporation, Finance and Securities Law Section; Government Contracts and Litigation Section; Administrative Law and Agency Practice Section; Health Law Section;…
Read MoreWill be resuming posting shortly
Readers, I just looked at the date of my last post, and I can’t believe that I’ve gone a week without posting. This is a busy time with work still coming in. And I’m polishing up the final draft of my book which should be out by the end of the year. The book has…
Read MoreSolo at Above the Law
When I started this blog back in December 2002, I lamented the absence of solo voices from mainstream legal media. But with blogs, we solos have come a long way. The most recent case in point: over at Above the Law, one of the most popular and widely recognized law related websites, solo Billy Merck…
Read MoreIf you had 20 hours of law student time this summer, how would you spend it? And if you’re a law student, what would make you want to take a job with a solo?
This is a two part post, for my fellow shinglers, and also for law students. To my colleagues, first: Imagine that you had twenty hours of reliable law student assistance for the summer…how would you use it? Would you have the students help stock your blog with materials, like at SCOTUS Blog? Ask them to…
Read MoreGreat Criminal Law Resource, and Why It Helps Solos
At Illinois Trial Lawyer , Evan Schaeffer shares a wonderfully valuable resource, The Center for Criminal Justice Advocacy. The Center was formed as a free, non-partisan training resource to assist new lawyers in becoming competent criminal practitioners. And one of the Center’s missions is to provide newly licensed sole practitioners with materials to provide a…
Read MoreShould We Rescue Biglaw, or Run From It?
At the Ms. JD conference that I attended last week, one woman responded to various remarks on the benefits of starting a firm (by some of us troublemakers in the picture) by saying something to the effect that “Starting a firm is all well and good, but if everyone flees biglaw life, firms will be…
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