The Pop-Up Law Firm

shutterstock_85770193So what if lawyers could match an occasional need for office space with existing and under-utilized capacity?

For example, maybe a group of solos want to set up a monthly legal clinic for start-ups but can’t figure out where to host it? Or maybe you want to host a group of solos for a hands-on learning session. Or perhaps you’d like to sponsor some kind of festival or get together for existing clients. Or even experiment with an after hours law firm, open only at night or on the weekends.

Finding short term space isn’t as easy as you might expect.  Many virtual office spaces don’t offer after-hours access at all.  And those spaces that do extend 24/7 privileges typically do so only for full-time tenants – so you’d need to pay full time rent for part-time access, which doesn’t make much sense.  Likewise, many law firms and existing businesses aren’t keen on leasing out space part time, even for a fee, because of the hassles and potential liability.

But, like nature, entrepreneurs abhor a vacuum. So now there’s a company, Made in the Lower East Side  (MiLES) stepping in to fill the void for occasional and after-hours space with a pop up office concept. what’s described at pop up office concept.  MiLES targets unused storefront space or landlords between long term leases and with modular screens, tables and bookcases, transforms the space into a variety of possibilities – from a designer fashion boutique to arts space to traditional classroom.
There’s more information on the project here at Kickstarter where MiLES has already met its fundraising goal of coming up with $33,000 to pay for rent, insurance, logistics and fabrication of its products so that it can pitch landlords on unlocking underutilized space.

Would you use a pop up space if it were available to your firm?


Jack in the Box photo courtesy of Shutterstock


  1. Jordan Rushie on October 30, 2013 at 5:03 pm

    “I gave my lawyer $7500 to get something done, and I haven’t heard from her in weeks. I met with her at this office, and now she isn’t. Did she leave a forwarding address? No? How do I get in contact with her? You don’t know?”

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