Solo by Choice Now Available on Kindle

solobychoiceIn the five years since I first published Solo by Choice, potential buyers have increasingly been asking for an e-book version. I wasn’t able to release an e-book when I updated the book in 2011. But a few months ago – with little fanfare – the electronic version launched and is available here on Amazon for $25 – a considerable discount from the hard copy version.

The electronic version contains 2011 materials which are still current. Indeed, Solo by Choice remains the most current and comprehensive book on starting a law practice on the market today, offering advice on dealing with clients as well as lots of specifics on choosing practice management software, social media platforms and outsourcing work.  You can also still purchase Solo by Choice on Amazon, though for now, it’s available only as print on demand.



  1. Brendo on May 12, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    The link for the Kindle version is a dead link. Is the book no longer available on Kindle?

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