Plan A Law Firm Party, Retreat or Seminar With AirBnB


If you’re like me, you’ve probably attended dozens of networking events or continuing legal education (CLE) panels and thought to yourself, I could do better. Whether it’s choosing a more interesting speaker or coming up with new activities or just having a decent spread of food, most of us could probably come up with some really cool networking events.

Yet even with a compelling idea, obstacles abound. With most bar associations, new suggestions, particularly from newbies are met with the universal mantra of we’ve-never-done-it-that-way-before or that-won’t-work or let’s-run-it-up-the-chain-of-command. You could of course host your own event, but then you need to find a space. Most law firm or virtual office conference rooms aren’t very large, can be expensive (if priced on a per diem basis), have all the charm of a solitary confinement chamber and may be off limits after-hours. Restaurants or coffee shops can’t always guarantee a private room, can be noisy and mean that any organized event will revolve around the meal.   

The solution? Enter AirBnB. AirBnb offers all kinds of unique spaces – such as here or here or here that that can be used for different types of events – from a party to a law practice retreat with colleagues to seminars or CLEs. The Event Manager Blog even offers a couple of handy tips on how to find the space.

Not all of the spaces are cheap – but depending upon the event, you could charge a modest fee to attendees to defray the costs. Moreover, even if you and a couple of other solos chipped in to cover the $1000 cost, imagine the mileage you’d get from hosting an event that you could custom-design so that it was truly memorable and useful.

Have you ever used Air BnB to host an event? Share your experience in the comment section below.


  1. jmilles on February 2, 2015 at 9:45 am

    AirBnB is also a good way to avoid union workers, tax compliance, and those pesky health and safety regulations,

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