Are the Provisions in Your Retainer Agreement Too Bad or Terrific?
Did you pull your retainer agreement off of the Internet or your bar’s website? Or maybe you scored a template from a colleague? Or maybe you’ve been using your retainer agreement for so long that you can’t remember its origins. Why don’t you take your retainer agreement for a tune-up by checking out this Quick Test. Or view this walk-through where I mark up an older retainer agreement that I found at a bar association website. See:
Mark Up Of An Online Retainer Using Drag & Drop Clauses + Briefcatch – Watch Video

If it turns out that you’re due for a change-up, we’ve got you covered with The Legal ClauseIt, with an 88-page guide on all aspects of drafting retainer agreements, Client Policies, and other law office contracts. And for an extra fee, I’ll even review one of your agreements and offer feedback and editing. Go to The Legal ClauseIt for more details!