An Attorney Listing Site to Avoid If You Want To Avoid Ethics Problems

Sometimes, a new concept emerges that’s never been done before because no one ever thought of it. That’s called innovation. But other times, there’s reason that the new concept hasn’t been done before: because it’s a downright stupid idea. Unfortunately, many lawyers can’t tell the difference between innovation and idiocy, which is the only explanation…

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End of Summer Sessions at MyShingle

Typically, the end of the summer brings with it downtime for my practice, as most of the agencies and Congress here in DC shut down and many clients take vacation. Many years, the lull has worried me but after a crazy summer, I’m hopeful for a respite. Plus, it’s given me an opportunity to put…

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Some Real Numbers for How Much Should A Solo Lawyer Charge

You’ve heard all of the advice on setting rates for your services before. Stuff like, Pricing is an art, not a science. Don’t charge less than every other lawyer in town. Price your knowledge, not your time. All great advice, if you only had benchmarks. But where to find them? You can ask what others…

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