Law Firm Tech Bio: Robert Cashman; Houston, Texas and New York Lawyer

1.  Name, name of firm, location and practice areas. Robert Z. Cashman; Cashman Law Firm, PLLC; Houston, Texas; and New York Areas of Practice: 1) Foreclosure Defense, Bankruptcy.  2) Patent Law, Patent Litigation, Trademarks, Licensing.  3) Protecting internet downloaders against accusations of illegal file-sharing and copyright violations based on their use of the torrent protocol.

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Law Firm Tech Bio: Tina Marie Hilton; Conover, NC Virtual Assistant

1.  Name, name of firm, location and practice areas. Tina Marie Hilton; Clerical Advantage Virtual Online Technology Assistance I’m a Virtual Assistant providing attorneys and business creatives assistance with technology based services. Examples of some services provided: Creating PowerPoint presentations, blog assistance, WordPress website creation and/or assistance, document conversion/formatting

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LexisNexis Contest: Free Marketing Makeover! I’m Judging!

Are you a solo or small-ish firm looking to upgrade your online presence?  If so, you might be interested in LexisNexis’  Legal Marketing Makeover Contest, described here where you can win a marketing plan consult with a team of LexisNexis experts, and services including website creation, search engine optimization and profile services on Martindale Hubbell…

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New York Meet-Up November 7 and SoloCorps Interviews

I’ll be up in the New York area next week, speaking at an NYSBA Bar event, and while I’m there, I’m joining up with Susan Cartier-Liebel at Solo Practice University to host a joint meet up at Rare Bar & Grill, 152 West 26th Street between 6th and 7th Avenue, Sunday, November 7th, 5 pm.…

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