Say Hello to the 7-figure ebook + ChatGPT.

Missed the webinar? You can still access the recording and related materials by registering here. What if you could create a marketing tool in under seven hours that could generate seven figures in revenue? As I discovered accidentally in my own law practice, the e-book is one of the least expensive and most effective marketing…

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Start a Law Firm in 2023 – FREE Webinar October 18!

Isn't it time to stop loaning & start owning your legal talent

Register here! Are you thinking about starting a law firm? Or maybe you’ve just started and find yourself with more questions than answers. Fear not! It’s time for’s annual webinar, Make 2023 the Year to Start a Law Firm.  Unlike many other start a law firm presentations that consist of war stories or focus…

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Let’s Make Solo by Choice A #1 Bestseller

Solo By Choice

The 3rd edition of Solo by Choice is now available on Amazon and I want to make it a #1 bestseller. Why? Because every law student can recite the starting salary of a biglaw attorney but can’t recite the benefits of starting a law firm. Because every lawyer re-evaluating their work post-pandemic deserves to know…

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