MyShingle Posts pre- November 2004 - available at the Wayback Machine .

My Above The Law Columns are available here.

Alabama Court Appointed Attorneys May Strike

February 22, 2005

Lawyer Sanctioned for Disclosing What A Judge Should Have

February 15, 2005

That Slippery Downhill Spiral

February 15, 2005

Lack of A Retainer Can Cost Lawyers’ Their Fee

February 15, 2005

Free Divorces for Valentine’s Day

February 12, 2005

The 94 Hour Day

February 7, 2005

Going Solo Right After Law School

February 7, 2005

I Am A Maven!

January 25, 2005

A Sanction That’s Deserved

January 25, 2005

A Law Firm That’s Out of This World (at least, its fees are)

January 25, 2005

How Much Can You Rely on What Your Client Tells You?

January 19, 2005

Westlaw is Free in Some Places – But Why Not Everywhere?

January 19, 2005

Ever Have A Case That Wouldn’t End? It’s Not Your Fault…

January 18, 2005

From Regulatory Biglaw Attorney to Cutting Edge Reproduction Specialist

January 18, 2005

A2J Project

January 18, 2005

Big Firm Partners: Not Much More Than Small Time Employees

January 14, 2005

How A Little Lawsuit Now Threatens A Lawyer’s Career – and How to Avoid this Mess

January 13, 2005

Hot Practice Area Alert

January 13, 2005

Small Firm Effort for Tsunami Victims

January 13, 2005

The Birth of Two New Practices and Weblogs

January 8, 2005

Still Waiting for My Archives

January 8, 2005

More Marketing Tips – For When Business is Slow

January 8, 2005

Another Article on Disatisfaction in the Legal Profession

January 8, 2005

Marketing on the Cheap: Some Tips

January 7, 2005

Law Marketing Ezine

January 6, 2005


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